Structured knowledge for overarching processes

The process of digitalization poses many businesses with new and complex challenges as a result of organizational and technological demands. At SVA, our Digital Process Solutions department delivers professional and tailored solutions to the necessary requirements, measures and methods for successful digital transformation. We support our clients throughout the entire journey, from determining their needs and analyzing the status quo to creating a customized digital business process. The department aims to develop all-round consultation approaches in service, asset and process management that focus on the client.

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How you benefit

The department Digital Process Solutions is a major part of SVA’s portfolio. As a result, we have a large team of certified experts that can provide professional support for projects, from consultation and tool selection to implementation and testing, all the way up to user training and the launch with subsequent support.

Why SVA?

  • Large team of ITIL-certified experts

  • Deep technical and cross-departmental expertise

  • Partnerships with leading software providers

  • Ability to respond to simple and complex requirements among businesses of all sizes

  • Support for on-premises solutions, hybrid or pure cloud systems

More from our Portfolio

Any Questions?

If you would like to know more about this subject, I am happy to assist you.

Contact us
Joachim Schmitz
Joachim Schmitz
Head of Business Line Digital Process Solutions
