Code, test, deploy, repeat – Your perfect pipeline

Whether in software development or infrastructure, we think pipelines and code simply belong together. The experts from our competence center will be happy to help you create and optimize your pipelines, all the way to operating your toolchain as a managed service.

Have you asked yourself the following two questions:

  • Do we need different CI/CD pipelines for cloud-native applications and infrastructure code?
  • How do we implement security and compliance tests in automation chains?

These are the fundamental questions that businesses need to ask themselves when creating pipelines. We offer our clients comprehensive end-to-end consulting, in which we highlight the differences between pipelines that serve different purposes and show where to use them.

Do you have any questions?

We look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions on these topics.


Contact us

What we offer




Continuous... integration / testing / delivery / deployment

We support you as you set up or optimize your CI/CD pipeline. From software development to data center operations, IT processes should require as few manual interventions as possible in order to comply with standards and regulations. To minimize workloads, reduce manual errors and standardize deployments, companies must evaluate whether operating manuals and manual tests are strictly necessary.

The construction of a CI/CD pipeline depends greatly on its purpose – starting with the question of whether it is for infrastructure or application code. SVA is active in a number of environments and projects, and can advise you on how to approach construction correctly. A series of user-friendly tools are then used to test the changes at infrastructure, platform, software and function level according to uniform standards.




Managed Toolchain

SVA operates your toolchain as a managed service, either in your data center or in the SVA Private Cloud. This solution covers both managed GitLab and infrastructure deployment pipelines, in order to automatically provide and update the data center and the applications running there at all times.




Agile CI/CD training and workshops

Compact workshops to get you started quickly in the DevOps toolset:

  • One-day workshop in the SVA training environment
  • Full overview of the respective topic and the strengths of the tool
  • Comprehensive practical section and support from SVA experts

What makes us special

Many years of experience in the enterprise sector



Strong partnerships with leading providers




system engineers



Comprehensive expertise 

in physical and software-defined data centers, software development, data analysis and agile team organization



Any Questions?

If you would like to know more about this subject, I am happy to assist you.

Contact us
Thomas Bludau
Thomas Bludau
Head of Competence Center Infrastructure Automation