Secure, controlled and transparent IT
Governance, risk and compliance measures are vitally important for your IT. They enable you to calculate business and IT risks, and reduce them to an acceptable level. Alongside this, they help prevent fraud and make your business processes more transparent and efficient.
Our experienced information security consultants can work with you to ensure that your IT complies with legal regulations and helps you meet your goals in day-to-day business. Our experts begin with a qualified needs analysis so that they can then determine the current level of security. The goal here is to detect risks and deviations, before then recommending and implementing practical measures in response.
We help companies construct an information security management system (ISMS) in line with ISO 27001, and can provide external information security officers if required. We also offer technical information security coaching for your staff, consulting on cloud security and security awareness training.
Our services
- Qualified needs analysis
- Compliance checks (delta analyses)
- Construction of an information security management system (ISMS) as per ISO 27001
- Independent preparation for certification as per ISO 27001 or BSI standard
- Consultation on technical and organizational measures for EU GDPR compliance
- Construction and operation of a practical management system for operative risks as per ISO 31000, IDW PS 340 and ISO 27005
- Determination of operative risks using a vulnerabilities and business impact analysis
- Gap analyses through security assessments of technical and organizational measures
- Preparation and support for audits as per IDW PS 951 / PS 330
- Technical coaching for IT, information security and data protection officers
- Provision of external IT, information security and data protection officers
- Emergency planning through business continuity management (BCM) as per ISO 22301 and BSI standard 100-4
- Security awareness training

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