Unstructured data management

Intelligent data and information management (IDIM) focuses on unstructured data, which makes up over 80% of all data in a business. Furthermore, unstructured data is growing much faster than structured data.

Both of these factors make efficient and intelligent data management essential, in order to provide data quickly and simply for further processing.

This processing can be as simple as storage in application environments, additional analysis processes to extract metadata, or relevant assessments in auditing processes. In a worst-case scenario, companies can suffer fines or contractual penalties if data is not provided on time.

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Efficient and effective data management

Our intelligent data and information management services (IDIM) offer innovative solutions that help you manage your data efficiently and effectively, covering all these requirements.

The solutions also allow data to be stored according to its value, while keeping storage infrastructure lean and cost efficient.

Metadata provides a virtual structure to unstructured data. This makes it possible to use data from completed processes for new purposes. This reuse of data will play a key role in staying on top of data growth in future. Data from throughout an entire business or research department can be made transparent and searchable using extracted or self-created client metadata. This process is known as enterprise search.

IDIM can be a useful approach when conventional technologies like cloud, object or file storage cannot meet the requirements on their own.

IDIM combines methods and approaches from other disciplines (AI, analytics, big data, IoT, backup, archiving) to extract more information from the data and increase storage management efficiency.

Why SVA?

We can provide advice on efficient storage usage in various application scenarios, such as compliance archiving, long-term archiving, enterprise search and more. We use metadata to provide a virtual structure for unstructured data, allowing you to search for and classify information.

Any Questions?

If you would like to know more about this subject, I am happy to assist you.

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Markus Reidel
Markus Reidel
Head of Competence Center Intelligent Data & Information Management