FinOps – Keeping Cloud Costs Under Control

In the past, procuring new tools, software and hardware was primarily the role of the procurement and finance departments. Now that employees have the option of booking cloud resources themselves quickly and easily in the cloud, however, specialist departments and especially the IT management are increasingly confronted with the need to be involved.

But this approach comes with risks: A lack of transparency on costs can cause uncontrolled or unauthorized spending (e.g., through the deployment of shadow IT). Furthermore, such practices can result in compliance violations. Using FinOps minimizes these risks by allowing dynamic cloud costs and use to be considered in detail. An end-to-end organizational method, FinOps helps to depict all cloud costs in a visible, calculable and scalable manner. 

Do you have any questions?

If you would like to find out more about this topic, we look forward to hearing from you.


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FinOps – your road to cloud cost optimization

As an end-to-end framework, FinOps includes a wide range of ways to begin optimizing costs for cloud resources and services. We start by analyzing your unique status quo together and support you every step of the way.

FinOps workshops

Our introductory workshops support you in your first steps towards FinOps implementation. In particular, we help you to understand the basics of cloud services, familiarize yourself with the best practices, define KPIs and tackle the challenges in handling cloud environments.

Maturity analysis

Our maturity analysis provides a comprehensive assessment of the current state of your current cloud computing strategy. To do this, we analyze your company’s requirements and goals and how you currently use the cloud. The result is an assessment of your maturity and recommendations for architecture design, resource and cost optimization, processes and technologies.

FinOps implementation

Taking your business goals and requirements into account, we focus on processes and technologies. The goal is to optimize cloud infrastructures, resources and costs, thus creating the basis for continuous monitoring.

FinOps services

Do you need experts to support you beyond the introduction of FinOps? We offer modular services in monitoring, scaling, cost optimization and transparency. You can focus on your core business, while we take care of optimizing the way your assets are deployed in the cloud.

What is FinOps?

In the fast-moving digital world, managing and optimizing costs have become a crucial part of business operations. FinOps is a framework for applying best practices in IT financial management to cloud technologies within a company. The value contribution of the IT services within the company is revealed, allowing a high level of cost efficiency. 

Want more information?

Find out more about our consulting services in the areas of cloud costs and compliance using Microsoft Azure as an example:


Cost anagement in Microsoft Azure


Cloud Compliance Workshop

How you benefit

  • Cost transparency
    Using the FinOps approach gives you a transparent, predictable overview of your cloud costs.
  • Budget optimization
    Improve your budgeting based on billing cloud use by consumption. You avoid unexpected cloud costs and maintain full control at all times.
  • Avoiding shadow IT
    Identify unauthorized use of cloud services before it becomes a risk.
  • Targeted staffing
    Reduce your staff’s workload by using intelligent software tools and optimizing your processes.
  • Optimized use of cloud resources
    Analyze your current use of cloud services and scale them to your needs..

Why SVA?

  • Collaborative partnership with different providers
  • Bespoke solution implementation
  • Certified team of experts with extensive experience in the cloud environment
  • End-to-end consulting thanks to a strong network of experts from related fields, in particular ITAM, SAM and ITSM

Any Questions?

If you would like to know more about this subject, I am happy to assist you.

Contact us
Christoph Zurek Ansprechpartnerfoto
Christoph Zurek
Head of Competence Center Asset Management

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