Controlled, Scalable, Secure – Cloud Security by SVA

Using IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and other as-a-Service options from cloud service providers is a simple and flexible way to provide services – but it is not without its challenges. The wide variety of available options and the associated possibilities make this a more complex option.

From hesitation to business enabler

We opt for over-arching, end-to-end and specific security concepts and solutions – bringing security to precisely where it is needed and where it meets your requirements.

Our team is here to support you in implementing the security measures your cloud environment needs. With our services, we accompany you throughout every phase of the cloud life cycle to guarantee resilience and protect you effectively against potential risks.

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How we help you

Competence and expertise

Our experts possess provider-neutral and provider-specific expertise, combined with practical experience from an array of successfully implemented projects. With our strong partnerships with leading cloud service providers, we have built up an excellent network and hold an impressive range of technical certification.


Strong collaboration defines us

Security in the cloud has many facets and consists of a large number of solutions, configurations and integrations – even more so when different cloud service providers are used. No single individual can provide all the expertise you need. That is why our cloud security experts work extremely closely with our cloud experts, collaborating to give you end-to-end support in implementing your requirements.


Needs-based and provider-neutral

Our strength lies in supporting you, the customer, precisely where you need it – be it at an early stage with a cloud strategy, in governance with a cloud security baseline, or when selecting a specific provider’s solution. We help you with the topics you are concerned with and find a solution perfect for your needs.



Single-cloud, multi-cloud and hybrid scenarios

Do you need a single-cloud, multi-cloud or hybrid solution? Our broad portfolio supports you, whatever your requirements. With comprehensive practical expertise, our highly qualified experts accompany your projects every step of the way. We can help you with everything, from developing your cloud platform architecture to mapping out specific workloads or services.


Our solutions portfolio at a glance

We see cloud security not as an isolated field, but closely linked with other topics and specialist areas. We take security aspects into account when planning new architectures, platforms and applications, for example, in order to ensure efficient implementation.

Security of the Cloud

Cloud Security Grafik

Cloud providers guarantee the security and compliance of the environment they provide.

Portfolio elements

  • Strategic consulting
  • IT GRC consulting
  • Cloud security baseline

Security in the Cloud

Cloud Security Grafik

Providers offer comprehensive, multi-layer protection for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS solutions within the respective ecosystems.

Portfolio elements

  • Microsoft Security Portfolio
  • AWS Security Portfolio
  • Google Security Portfolio

Security anywhere

Cloud Security Grafik

Security products and solutions offered as best-of-breed or platform approaches across all providers.

Portfolio elements

  • Products and services from partners
  • Multi-cloud approaches from providers

The “security everywhere” portfolio element in detail

One of the greatest benefits when using cloud resources and services is scaling. Using over-arching security platforms is very useful, especially when hybrid or multi-cloud services are provided. We provide support in the following fields, among others:


Cloud Security Grafik
  • Landing zones and (X)aaS solutions
    We safeguard cloud resources with the appropriate native or third-party solutions.

  • Zero trust, SASE and SSE
    When hybrid structures and modern workplace concepts are used, existing access concepts become increasingly complex. We support you with your strategy and when selecting and implementing solutions.

  • Encryption and key management
    Everyone talks about sovereignty, but few today pay any attention to encryption and key management. Solutions for storing and managing keys externally can help.

  • xSPM, CSPM, CNAPP and vulnerability management
    Increased, localized use of cloud resources raises the risk of incorrect configuration and deployment errors. Posture management helps to enforce security policies.

  • Threat detection and response (SIEM, XDR and SOC)
    Monitoring events in the cloud plays a central role. Be it integrating into existing systems or deploying new services, we provide end-to-end support in security monitoring

Why security should be the focus when using the cloud

When considering and evaluating public cloud services, understanding cloud providers’ shared responsibility models is crucial. It is important to distinguish clearly which security tasks the cloud provider will conduct and which are the responsibility of the customer. Responsibility for workloads varies depending on whether the workload is hosted on Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or in a local data center.

Cloud Security Infografik

However, the following always applies when distinguishing responsibilities for workloads:

You, the customer, always own the data and identities, and are therefore responsible for ensuring the security of your data and identities, resources, and the cloud services you manage. We support you in managing the use of cloud resources and services in a targeted, cost-optimized and useful way.

Any Questions?

If you would like to know more about this subject, I am happy to assist you.

Contact us
Benedikt Bachhofer
Benedikt Bachhofer
Business Development Manager Cloud Security


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