Lacework is the data-driven security platform for the cloud. The Lacework Cloud Security Platform, powered by Polygraph, automates cloud security at scale so customers can innovate quickly and securely. Only Lacework is able to collect, analyze and accurately correlate data across an organization's AWS, Azure, GCP and Kubernetes environments and narrow it down to the few security events that matter. Customers around the world rely on Lacework to increase revenue, bring products to market faster and more securely, and consolidate point security solutions onto a single platform.

Cloud Security Assessment

Rapid risk assessment of your cloud environment

In today's digital era, a cloud security assessment is crucial - not least in light of increasing connectivity and advancing cyber threats. The assessment enables companies to identify potential risks at an early stage and take effective measures to mitigate them.

Lacework's assessment ensures that the cloud infrastructure meets the required standards - from strict compliance requirements to protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, preventing data loss and ensuring business continuity. It not only protects the digital legacy, but also enables cost-effective security solutions to make companies more resilient to the growing challenges of the cyber landscape.

A cloud security assessment is therefore not only a preventive protective shield, but also a decisive step in making the digital transformation secure and successful.

Why Lacework & SVA?

  • Maximum efficiency and compliance
    Accelerate compliance audits across your cloud infrastructure. Lacework supports multiple popular frameworks and provides comprehensive visibility in minutes by integrating cloud configuration and activity data from AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.
  • Risk management made easy
    Identify and prioritize risks with Lacework. The platform provides you with crucial insights to proactively respond to threats and actively optimize the security of your cloud.
  • Free trial phase for a quick insight
    See for yourself and request free access to Lacework.
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Dominik Ludwig