DataDirect Networks Inc (DDN)
DDN is a leading and globally recognized provider of high-performance storage solutions for end-to-end data management, from data creation and persistent storage to active archiving and the use of cloud concepts.
DDN’s portfolio includes specialized HPC storage solutions for reads/writes up to and above one TB and millions of cache IOPS per system.
Thanks to its collaboration with market leaders like NVIDIA, DDN is able to provide special storage solutions that enable full GPU performance in machine learning and artificial intelligence workloads (business white paper).
It also offers the Lustre cluster file system, while supporting Spectrum Scale storage. Furthermore, the company can set up high-performance storage solutions in virtual machines, as well as software-defined storage.
The collaboration between SVA and DDN delivers customized solutions from a single source: Alongside a perfectly tailored storage system, our clients receive components such as servers, a network and services for installation, maintenance and operation.

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