BigID's DataDiscovery Platform enables full visibility across the entire data landscape, proactively discovering, managing, building protections and giving users full control over their data.
Customers use BigID to minimize their data risk while automating security and privacy controls to meet compliance requirements. This enables them to understand their data across their entire data landscape, including multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and on-premise data sources.
In cooperation with BigID, SVA offers a solution that supports you in comprehensively recording and automatically analyzing your data landscape. The transparency gained in this way can significantly support compliance and risk management. Among other things, potential vulnerabilities can be identified more quickly and risks can be assessed more easily and dealt with in a more targeted manner.
BigID Use Cases:
Data Discovery and Classification
Identify and inventory sensitive, personal, and regulated data using predefined and corporate guidelines/policies. -
Minimization of the data landscape
DSPM - Data Security Posture Management
Targeted, systematic minimization of data risk on-prem and in the cloud. -
Compliance Management (including data protection)
Support for secure, privacy compliant, cloud migrations & automation of various data protection relevant use cases such as reporting of personal data requests, recording of related processing activities (RoPA), etc. & self-service data protection web portal. -
Retention Management & Data Lifecycle Management

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