The platform service for your business and IT processes

Flexible, scalable and secure

Poor data quality, insufficient budget or staff and rising demands placed on IT are a breeding ground for problems. Transparency, automation and careful reporting of relevant company data are therefore fundamental to effective collaboration between IT, other specialist departments and management.

Our Business Platform Service – a technology, process and automation platform – offers you a sophisticated portfolio of services for tackling these challenges in your business. Combining a versatile, central low-code platform with our SVA experts’ many years of experience, it promises a full-service portfolio for mapping and automating the complex processes in your company. As such, we give you best practice packages, including for mapping ITSM, ITAM, SAM or even contract management solutions.

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Business Platform Service

Maximize your IT value contribution conveniently and securely

Our Business Platform Service is more than just technology – it is a solution that focuses on your business requirements and how they fit the service portfolio offered. The Business Platform Service thus enables bespoke platform adaptations without compromising on high standards and best practice.

You benefit from end-to-end transparency – from the technology used to the IT and business processes mapped – while also reducing the pressure on your IT administration team. SVA’s own operations team works closely with our consulting and technology experts to make operation convenient for you and to provide available, secure and customizable managed services.

  • Operation in SVA’s own data center
    Operation including management and safeguarding from the IT infrastructure to application.
  • SVA takes responsibility
    Standardization and automation keep our services running stably and securely.
  • Experience processes in a new way
    Focus on your processes and delegate the “what” and “how” to us.
  • Discover the Business Platform Service as a base
    Leverage our platform as a keystone to resolving your challenges. Operate your specialist solutions on a central platform or add a managed service to our solution – our experts support you every step of the way.

Why SVA?

  • Full operation by SVA – no third-party providers
  • Hosted in a German data center for maximum data protection standards
  • Full service including the option of modular extensions for specific specialist functions
  • Fast implementation of configuration adjustments by our certified, experienced SVA team
  • Independent, collaborative consulting with comprehensive expertise from every field of SVA’s large product portfolio

How you benefit

Central platform

Map your IT and business processes in one central location


Save time and reduce costs

Relieve the pressure on your IT administration and reduce investments in infrastructure and operation


High level of standardization

Rapid set-up and operational readiness of your platform


High availability and security

Full operation by SVA in line with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and GDPR, plus regular health checks



Rapid implementation of individual adaptations and modular extensions


End-to-end transparency

Insight into technology and mapped processes


Any Questions?

If you would like to know more about this subject, I am happy to assist you.

Contact us
Daniel Delling
Daniel Delling
Head of Competence Center Service Management

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